Don’t Get “Got”: Avoid Personal Finance Scams by eQuotes Financial


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Consumer targeted scams and fraud rates rose to exponential numbers during the coronavirus pandemic. Not only can these nefarious schemes and ploys waste you and your family's hard earned money; but they can also put you at a greater risk for ID theft. Personal financial scams are dangerous for your health and your wealth. 

Don’t Get “Got”: Avoid Personal Finance Scams by eQuotes Financial contains hundreds of useful tips to keep you and your loved ones from becoming a victim of consumer fraud. This book is part of our Don’t Get “Got” Series by eQuotes Financial which exposes Romance Scams, Cybersecurity Scams, Conterfeit Food Scams, Business Credit Scams, Personal Finance Scams, Cryptocurrency and NFT Scams, Imposter Scams, Identity Theft Scams, Gen-Z Social Media Scams, and much more...
