WatchxLearn How To Master The AIDA Sales and Marketing Funnel Technique To Scale Your Business To Monthly 7-Figure Sales
Your sales marketing funnel will grow and develop over time based on cultural trends, the products you sell, and the stage your business is at. It’s an evolving model. Like a house, you’d never build one and just let it stand—a structure requires maintenance, care, and attention in order to thrive.
Brand awareness and revenue are the two main factors that differentiate the marketing funnel for an established business versus one that’s just starting out.
The level of brand awareness your business has determines how easy it is to attract new customers. If you have high brand awareness, you’ll spend less money on the awareness and acquisition leg of the funnel and more on consideration and conversion. Lower brand awareness means you’ll need to drive hype and spread the word earlier on, meaning that your time and resources will go toward getting new eyes on your products.
The amount of money you bring in determines how much you can spend on marketing activities. The more revenue you bring in, the more you have to spend on paid acquisition and acquiring new inventory. If you’re just starting out and have little to spend on marketing, your tactics will look different. Think: more email marketing, organic blog posts, and social media.
If you want an efficient way to increase revenue read on...
Knowing how to create and iterate on a sales and marketing funnel is one of the most profitable concepts an entrepreneur can master. In fact, virtually every business on the planet that has success at scale uses some type of sales funnel.
Establish average order value and a consideration timeline
Your average order value (AOV) is the average value of your customers’ purchases. For example, if your shop’s revenue is $2,000 and you’ve had 100 orders, your AOV is $20.
AOV determines how much focus you put on each part of your marketing funnel. If you sell fine jewelry and your AOV is $1,000, the consideration phase of your funnel is going to be much longer than a shop that has an AOV of $20. Chances are a customer is going to think longer about making that large purchase than they would a smaller one.
We can think about how this relates to the marketing funnel in this way:
- High AOV = Long consideration timeline. You’ll want to spend more energy and money on developing content that nurtures people throughout the consideration phase.
- Low AOV = Short consideration timeline. You’ll focus more on acquiring new customers and spend your marketing dollars there.
Turning a consumer into a customer requires a logical series of steps.
First, a consumer in your target market sees your ad and becomes a prospect. Then, they land on your website and become a lead. Finally, they make a purchase and become a buyer.
A sales and marketing funnel is a curated series of relationship-building experiences that help turn prospects into buyers. Research also shows that nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured prospects.
How sales funnels work
Say you see an Instagram ad for a new pair of running shoes that drives traffic to a landing page. They intrigue you, so you go and check out the shoes on the company’s website. You’re now a prospect.
On the site you take a quiz, check out a blog post, look at other pairs of shoes, and maybe even sign up for an email marketing or SMS list in exchange for a lead magnet, like a discount. Now you’re a lead.
Eventually you receive an email with a discount off your favorite running shoes. You buy them, maybe even some recommended shorts too, and you’re a happy customer. You’ve come to like the brand’s products, so you promote them online.
This cycle then continues with one of your friends or family members. That’s how sales and marketing funnels work in action. They are pre-planned stages a company brings you through until purchase that also include retention tactics to keep you happy and promoting the brand’s products.
According to Salesforce, a full 68% of companies have not identified or attempted to measure a sales funnel, and the same survey showed that a whopping 79% of marketing leads are never converted into sales.
The goal is to map the route to conversion and automate sales. A sales funnel shows you what to do to influence potential buyers at a specific stage. It starts the moment they become aware of your brand, and continues until they purchase a product and become an advocate.
What is a sales and marketing funnel?
A sales and marketing funnel visually represents the journey a person takes from the moment they have any interaction with your brand—like reading a blog post—to the moment they make a purchase. Sales and marketing funnels include different stages that correspond to different points in that journey. It represents the marketing strategy that turns cold prospects into paying customers by moving them through various stages. The “funnel” involves taking large groups of people and turning them into high-value customers.
The widest part of the funnel captures the biggest group of people who might be interested in what you sell. As you engage with these folks through marketing activities or direct communication, they move down the funnel until they either drop off or buy your product.
A more simplified funnel might include awareness, consideration, and conversion. A more segmented funnel might include awareness, interest, consideration, intent, evaluation, and purchase. Others add on an inverse funnel that maps loyalty and advocacy. It’s up to you how you segment your marketing funnel: go the simple route with three sections or chop it up into 10, whatever works best for you.
At a high-level view, sales and marketing funnels consist of three main parts:
So for the sake of simplicity, we’re going to focus on three distinct phases: acquire, consider, and convert, as well as post-purchase loyalty. This will cover your Top of the funnel (ToFu): your target audience, Middle of the funnel (MoFu): your potential customers, and the Bottom of the funnel (BoFu): new and existing customers
Sales teams or small business owners can create sales funnels for one product, an entire category, or specific target audiences. If you don’t have as many resources, you can create one for your bestsellers. Regardless, sales funnels work when they’re built correctly and provide relevant content for buyers.
87% of consumers choose to do business with companies that provide valuable content at all stages of the customer journey.
The sales and marketing funnel helps you know what customers do at each stage of their journey. They allow you to understand which marketing activities work, and which don’t, so you can invest in the right channel and realize a higher return.
Sales and marketing funnels are roadmaps companies use to plan the journey of how someone becomes a customer.
By building out your own marketing funnel, you can uncover:
- The stage at which most people drop off
- Which marketing efforts map to each stage a customer is at
- The marketing tactics to double down on and where to pull back
- How to thoughtfully grow your business
Sales funnel FAQs
What is a sales funnel system?
What are the stages of a sales funnel?
- Awareness
- Interest
- Desire
- Action
Why your businesses needs a sales and marketing funnel.
📈 Funnels encourage more meaningful growth. Funnels give you a clearer way to organize marketing tactics and make it easier to understand which tactics work for each stage of the funnel. For example, you might learn that TikTok videos work wonders to increase awareness about your business, but they do little to drive actual conversions. This allows for more strategic growth: you’ll double down on what works and pull back on what doesn’t.
❤️ Develop better customer relationships. Who are you marketing to? What do they like? What types of marketing do they respond well to? Establishing a funnel helps you better understand your target audience and what they need to feel excited about making a purchase from you.
💵 Master your purchase cycle. How long inventory takes to sell depends on your average order value. If you sell heirloom quality diamond necklaces for $15,000 a pop, they’ll take longer to sell than a piece of costume jewelry that retails for $39. But how many weeks does it actually take, on average, for the costly and affordable items to sell? Once you have those numbers, the marketing funnel gives you insight into where to put your money (and when) in order to get those products to sell within the average timeline.
First Thing First... Get to know your target audience
The first step, Amanda says, is to understand who your customer and target audience is. If you haven’t yet established a target audience, she recommends doing a customer persona analysis.
You can gather the quantitative data for an analysis like that via Google Analytics or through a third-party data platform. You’ll want to look for data points like geography and demographics that better pinpoint who your customers are.
Gathering qualitative data as well will give you a richer insight into your target audience. You’ll get this information by having one-on-one conversations with the people who have already purchased your product.
Then, you’ll start to make inferences from that data. What you learn will inform the channels and style of marketing you’ll use. For example, if you sell primarily to teenage girls between the ages of 15 to 20, chances are you're not going to have to do LinkedIn ads.
Hopefully, this exploration will help you understand what your audience’s buying process looks like and the platforms they most often frequent.
Here’s a list of the different activities you can do to uncover your target audience:
- Look at cumulative purchase history across all customers.
- Use digital analytics tools to gather quantitative information.
- Run an online survey through a tool like SurveyMonkey.
- Conduct one-on-one interviews with past customers.
- Do industry research to explore consumer trends and behavior.
- Complete a competitive analysis by looking at competitors’ audiences.
From this information, create buyer personas that detail the common characteristics of the main types of customers that frequent your shop.
The Easiest Way To Plan Your Sales and Marketing Funnel
Parts of the Sales Offer Funnel
Planning an Info Product
Identify Your Most Expensive Product First
Identify Lower Priced Products that Work with Your Most Expensive Product
Identify Free Content/Gifts That Leads to Increasingly Higher Priced Items
Forms & Formats of Products& Services
Most Expensive (flagship) Product
Mid-Range Product
Intro Product
Free Products
Conducting a Content Audit
Identify Gaps
Types Of Content
Take Digest by Great Jones, for example. The brand Great Jones makes cookware for home chefs. It’s mission is to empower people on their culinary journey.
The shop offers Dutch ovens in bright colors, retro-inspired baking dishes, and ceramic-coating frying pans. It’s blog, called Digest, is one of four main categories in its ecommerce store’s navigation. Digest is home to delicious recipes, interviews with different chefs, and the Great Jones items you can use to make the dish.
The blog creates a sense of community for readers, making it feel like they’re in a home kitchen versus reading a blog. They can learn about different cultures, recipes, or stories, and get inspiration for their next big dish. It’s a great top-of-funnel asset for Great Jones that attracts the right customers, builds trust, and subtly kicks off the sales process.
In the interest stage, prospects are doing reach and comparing your products to other brands. You’ll want to begin forming a relationship with them and learning about their problems and goals.
Areas to focus on when building this stage are:
- How to gain prospects’ interest
- Creating a content strategy that supports prospects
- Showing social proof and testimonials
- Making information easy to find and read through text and video
Your goal here is to help shoppers make informed decisions, offer help, and establish yourself as experts in the field. The content you create here should be more in-depth. Why? Because you’re proving that you are the better solution for customers.
Businesses that nurture leads produce 50% more sales at 33% lower costs.
Some lead magnet style content you can provide are:
- Interactive content like quizzes and calculators
- Educational videos
- Downloadables like checklists or ebooks
- Customer case studies
- Webinars or live streaming events on social media
- Comparison pages
Beardbrand does an excellent job of sparking interest through its interactive quiz. Right on its homepage, website visitors can find out what types of beardsmen they are.
The quiz asks a series of questions related to the visitor’s lifestyle and needs, such as “Which activity do you prefer to do the most?” and “What style of facial hair do you want?” To receive your quiz results, Beardbrand asks the customer for their email address, which also signs you up for its marketing emails.
Once your email address is in, you’re guided to a landing page where you’ll find a description of your Beardsman style with relevant products to match it.
People are ready to buy in this third stage of the funnel. They know there’s a problem that needs solving and are actively looking for the best solution.
Ask yourself the following questions when planning this stage:
- What makes my product desirable?
- How will I follow up with qualified leads?
- How can I build an emotional connection with prospects (website chat, email, SMS, tips and advice)?
Here’s where you promote your best offers, be it free shipping, discount codes, or free gifts. Your goal is to make your products so desirable that leads cannot turn them down.
The final stage is where a prospect decides whether or not to purchase your product. Consider where your calls to action are and where to place them on your product pages. Make it easy for potential customers to get in touch with you if they have any hesitations or questions.
Whether you’re in ecommerce or B2B sales, the sales pipeline is something we all have to build. It doesn’t stop here though. Once a customer acts, you’ll need to focus on retaining them (i.e., keeping them happy and engaged) so they return to buy again and again.
Tip: Good software to consider using is,,and These all offer you the ability to segment lists in a way that works for your business and needs.
How to develop a sales funnel
Together, we’ll build the sales funnel that makes the most sense for your business. We dive into the tactics for acquisition and awareness, consideration, conversion, and the inverse side of the funnel—loyalty.
Brands drive traffic from advertisements and emails directly to their product offer pages as the core way of generating sales. Some brands also include collection pages, pre-sell articles and other stops along the way. But the almighty funnel that rules them all is the one-page funnel.
For that reason, if the goal is to build a dangerously effective sales funnel, it all starts with optimizing the product offer page.
You’re about to learn an effective 10-step process you can follow to design an ecommerce product page that engages and converts.
1. Decide on a layout
The first step in designing an ecommerce product page that converts and engages is to decide what the overall layout of your page will be. You have three basic layouts to choose from:
- Traditional ecommerce product page
- Long-form ecommerce product page
- Product mini-site
This step is fairly straightforward. And if you don’t already know which layout you want, there’s a simple litmus test you can use to figure it out. Ask yourself: Is there a lot to say about this product?
If the answer is no, there isn’t much to say, then you’ll probably want to go with a traditional product page. This is the case for a lot of products that are easily understood or very visual, like clothes or sunglasses, such as the Hawkers example below.
But if the answer is yes, and there’s a lot to say about this product, then you’ll want to use a long-form product page or a mini-site. This is usually the case when you have stories to tell, technology to explain, benefits to reveal, objections to overcome, and so on.
For example, Boosted Boards clearly has a lot to say about its product in this long-form ecommerce product page:
The only real difference between a long-form page and a mini-site is how the content is laid out.
With the long-form layout, everything goes on one long page. With a mini-site, that same content is presented over several smaller pages. Both layouts can be highly effective, so you really can’t go wrong.
ACTION ITEM: Decide on a layout for your ecommerce product page design.
2. Style your header
Your header is an incredibly important element of any ecommerce product page design. So while we’re on the topic of your navigation links, let’s chat about it for a minute.
The header is simply the top part of your website. It’s where you typically have your logo, your menu, your shopping cart, and any other important links or information that you want to have present on every page. When you’re styling your website’s header, here are a few tips to help improve your conversion rate optimization:
1. Keep it slender
While your header is important, it should never overwhelm the content on the page. You should try to keep your header as small as possible to allow for the biggest viewing area.
On your desktop site, try to make sure your header takes up no more than 20% of the website’s height. Like Harry’s does here:
And on mobile, because screen space is even more limited, try to make sure your header takes up no more than 10% of the height. Again, Harry’s does a great job of this:
2. Always have a link to the shopping cart
Every ecommerce store that has a shopping cart page should link to it in its header—always. This applies to desktop and mobile. People are used to it. They expect it. And if you don’t include this in your header, there’s a chance they might get frustrated trying to find their shopping cart and leave without completing their purchase.
If you want to add a nice touch, give a notification when there’s a product in the cart, like M.Gemi does here:
3. Include your logo
The header is a prime place to display your brand logo. Anytime someone lands on your website, you want them to see that logo and instantly know they’re in the right place.
You’ll want this on your mobile site, too:
4. Include your brand’s tagline on desktop
A good tagline can really help reinforce your brand identity. So if you have one, go ahead and put it in your desktop header. Here’s an example from BOOM! by Cindy Joseph:
But on mobile, you’re better off skipping the tagline. The screen space is too limited and valuable.
5. Include a call to action for an email opt-in or a purchase
Because your header is such a visible part of your site, it’s also a great place to put some kind of offer for a purchase or email opt-in.
In this example, Keeps uses a header bar to call out a special offer:
BOOM! includes an opt-in button in its header:
MVMT has one too—a sticky Add to Cart button along the bottom of the screen on mobile:
Now the downside to what MVMT is doing here is that between a sticky header, another sticky bar calling out free shipping, and a sticky Add to Cart button, it’s taking up quite a bit of space.
Another option is to put your mobile email opt-in inside the flyout menu, like BOOM! does here:
When this brand added a call to action to its header, it saw a 30% increase in email sign-ups. Definitely a worthwhile thing to add to your ecommerce product page design!
6. Make your links easy to read
A 2016 eye-tracking study found fonts sized 18 points or higher to be optimal for online readers. Make sure you use a big font that’s easy to read, in a color that contrasts the background and really stands out.
Pay particular attention to your mobile menu. A lot of companies ignore this part of their site, and as a result they miss out on the opportunity to convey value and make additional calls to action.
Notice how Hawkers has all kinds of wasted space underneath its menu:
Compare that to the company Hims, which does a great job of making its links bigger and including additional links to its social media profiles at the bottom:
Big links are especially important on mobile, where it can be easy to mis-click and end up on the wrong page. Keeping your links big, with space between them, helps to minimize this frustrating experience.
7. Make your header “sticky”
A “sticky” header is one that sticks to the top of the page. So when you scroll down, that header is always right there at the top
Here’s an example from Purple Mattress:
Its mobile page has it, too:
Sticky headers work really well, especially on long product pages (like Purple Mattress’). This is because you can keep a call to action on the screen at all times.
Notice that on Purple Mattress’ sticky header, for example, the only clickable link is Shop Now.
3. Select a feature testimonial
Next up, it’s time to choose a featured testimonial. This is different from your reviews. You still want a Reviews section with lots and lots of people saying how much they love your product.
But what we’re talking about here is a single testimonial you put inside your buy box. This will be a highly visible customer quote, so make sure it’s a good one.
Why do you want to add a featured testimonial to your product? Because it improves your conversions.
BOOM! tested this. It took its original buy box, which looked like this:
And tested it against this version:
The only difference is that one version has the product name at the top, while the other uses a featured testimonial.
Adding the testimonial increased its conversion rate by 5.25% and its average revenue per user by $1.25. BOOM! repeated this test many times over, and the testimonial won every time.
This is a testament to just how important it is to leverage social proof on your product page.
When you’re choosing a featured testimonial, here are three tips:
1. Choose a testimonial that enthusiastically endorses the product
It sounds obvious, but it bears repeating. You want this to be one of the best quotes you can find about your product.
2. Keep it short
Because if it’s too long, people will skip over it. Here’s a great example of a concise and effective testimonial:
3. Choose a testimonial from your biggest customer demographic
If your buyers are 75% female and 25% male, use a testimonial from a woman. You can’t rotate this featured testimonial, so make the most of it by having it represent your most common buyer.
ACTION ITEM: Select your featured testimonial for your ecommerce product page.
4. Select product carousel photos
Now it’s time to add product pictures to your ecommerce landing page design.
Here’s an example of a typical product image carousel:
On an ecommerce site, having a good selection of high-quality product images is very important. Remember, people online aren’t able to pick your product up and inspect it for themselves. They have to rely on your pictures to give them a good idea of what the product is really like.
To put it another way, your images represent your product’s perceived value and quality.
A recent survey revealed that 90% of consumers consider images to be essential when making a purchasing decision online.
So it’s not surprising that product page pictures get a lot of engagement. Here’s a sample heatmap to prove it:
The same thing is true on mobile, even when that button is pushed below the fold:
Because your photos get so much attention, they need to be as good as you can possibly make them.
Generally speaking, there are only two main kinds of product photos:
1. Pure product pictures
This kind of photo just shows the product itself against a pure white background (or a background of another color). For example:
2. In-context/lifestyle images
These photos show your product being used in its intended environment. Basically, they show the product in use. For example:
You need both kinds of images on your product page. You also need multiple photos for shoppers to browse. The minimum is six to eight, but you can always add more.
Here are some tips for creating your product image carousel:
- Quality matters. Your images absolutely need to look as good as possible. This is not to say that you need a $5,000 camera. You can do this on an iPhone if you want.
- Show your product in as many forms and positions as you can.
- If your product opens and closes, show it opened and closed. If it comes with a case, show it in the case and out of the case. If it folds up, show it folded and unfolded.
- The more varied your images, the better people will be able to picture it in their minds.
- Show the product in use.
You want to show people actually using the product. And when you do this, make sure it looks like they’re enjoying it—they should look happy and excited, like they’re having a good time.
Boosted Boards does a great job of that here:
Also show how the product is made and/or what it’s made of. Another effective picture type is one that shows people what your product is made from.
BOOM! does this by highlighting certain ingredients, like this facial scrub that’s made with oats:
Boosted Boards uses animated photography to give you a close-up of some of it products’ most important components:
A third way to do this is to give a visual overview of all the parts that come together to make your product. See how nice this image from Purple Mattress looks?
The last pointer is to optimize images for quick loading. This helps improve your SEO ranking and create a good shopping experience. Yes, you want the best possible images you can get.
But no, you don’t want those images to slow down your website so it loads at a crawl.
The best course of action is to get the best images you can find, and then have your developer optimize them to load as quickly as possible.
ACTION ITEM: Decide on four ideas for showing off your product in its intended context.
5. Create a short-form product demo
Video consumption is the most popular internet activity worldwide. The number of digital video viewers is projected to reach over 3.1 billion by 2023, spending over 100 minutes per day watching videos on their devices.
If you aren’t leveraging video on your ecommerce product page, you’re missing out on one of the most effective conversion assets out there. Now, if you already have a high-quality product video—maybe something with interviews, testimonials, and product shots, and so on—that’s great. Keep it.
But a lot of savvy ecommerce stores are also finding it really useful to have a short-form product demonstration video. This can even come in the form of a GIF.
This is a short and simple video that shows the product in use. It’s a really useful video because you can add it to your product carousel, share it on Facebook and Instagram, use it for video ads, and more.
You should ideally keep your video under 30 seconds. This video doesn’t even have sound—although some short-form videos play catchy music in the background. You’re just looking for a simple, clean, and elegant product demonstration.
ACTION ITEM: Create your short-form product demonstration video or GIF.
6. Add buy box content
Here’s an example of a buy box from M.Gemi:
The goal of your buy box is to get the visitor to click that Add to Cart button. And to accomplish that, it needs to remind people of the most important reason why they should buy now.
In other words, your buy box needs to quickly summarize the main benefits of your product. Unfortunately, many ecommerce companies miss out on this opportunity by not using any copy.
As a result, their buy box doesn’t effectively communicate why the visitor should buy. In this example, MVMT does a great job demonstrating social proof by showing its reviews near the top, but it misses out on an opportunity to include some really important ecommerce copywriting.
Compare that to BOOM!, which takes full advantage of the buy box to repeat the product’s main benefit along with additional social proof, upsells, reviews, and more:
If you want to use a framework, your buy box should follow these steps:
- Open with a featured testimonial.
- Provide a one-sentence ownership benefit.
- Add a two- to three-sentence product description.
When you’re thinking about that one-sentence ownership benefit, the trick is to ask yourself questions like:
- What is the primary reason for someone to buy this product?
- What is the main benefit they’ll get from using the product?
- What will they get/have/obtain/become/feel after using the product?
- How will other people perceive the customer or think about the customer differently after using the product?
Put the answer in your buy box in a succinct and compelling sentence. Remember, this is perhaps the most critical part of your ecommerce product page. So take advantage of the opportunity to remind people why they should buy. It could mean the difference between winning a sale or losing one.
ACTION ITEM: Write your buy box content.
7. Choose call-to-action text
Now let’s narrow in on the single most important element within your buy box: The Buy button.
A lot of websites get creative with the CTA text on their buttons. Netflix, for example, uses Get Started.
This may work really well in some situations. But it’s generally not a good idea for ecommerce.
For ecommerce, you should be using one of these common CTAs:
- Buy Now
- Add to Cart
- Checkout Now
- Add to Bag
What’s so magical about these CTAs?
In a word, they’re clear. People have been shopping online for years now, and they’re used to seeing a button that says one of these things. If you break with that tradition and do something different, some people are liable to get confused and wonder if your website works differently.
So, for your own good, don’t try to get too creative here. Most ecommerce stores should just stick with Add to Cart and move on. (Unless you’re in Europe, where Add to Bag seems to be more popular.)
ACTION ITEM: Choose your CTA text.
8. Decide on USPs and create images
USP stands for a unique selling proposition” In a nutshell, USPs are things that make you different; the things that set you apart from your competition. They’re reasons why people should buy from you instead of somebody else.
Now, it’s always good to mention these USPs in your product page copy. But it’s also a great idea to take your USPs and turn them into USP images. This is a really effective technique that a lot of ecommerce stores are doing. Like Puravida:
Now it’s time for you to figure out your USPs and put them into an image format. If you already know your USPs, great. But if you’re still working on that, here are some ideas for USPs for your business:
- What makes you cool?
- Do you offer guarantees or special financing?
- Do you provide fast and/or free shipping?
- Where do you go above & beyond to make your product special?
- Do you have any relevant certifications?
- Do your products use some special technology?
- Is your product made in the USA, cruelty-free, organic, or 100% natural?
- Is there any other reason people should buy from you instead of your competitors?
These kinds of things make for great USPs. So take some time to think about it, and when you have your USPs ready, put them into an image format. Then stick those images somewhere on your product page.
ACTION ITEM: Decide on your USPs (pick at least three to four) and stick them somewhere on your product page.
9. Decide on guarantees
Guarantees are another thing that can have a major impact on the effectiveness of your ecommerce product page. Think about it: Anytime you buy something online (especially if you’ve never bought from a company before), you’re taking a little bit of a gamble.
You can’t see the product in person, so you don’t really know for sure what it looks like. And while you can read reviews and see testimonials, you can’t always be certain that the product is going to work the way it should.
That’s why a guarantee can be so powerful. It’s just a way of telling your visitors, “If you don’t like this product, you can get your money back.” It reduces that feeling of risk and makes people more likely to click the Buy button.
You can offer all kinds of different guarantees:
- Money-back guarantee
- Satisfaction guarantee
- Lifetime guarantee
- Buy-back guarantee
- Happiness guarantee
- Low-price guarantee
In general, nothing seems to ever beat a money-back guarantee. The most effective guarantee you can provide your shoppers is the promise that you’ll give them a refund if they change their mind.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t have multiple guarantees. You could offer a money-back guarantee and a product-specific guarantee, like Away Luggage’s “TSA-approved lock” guarantee:
So next, take some time to think about guarantees you can offer. Your goal here is to minimize any feeling of risk and replace it with a sense of security in your shoppers.
ACTION ITEM: Decide on your guarantee(s).
10. Select social proof images
Our final step in creating a high-converting ecommerce product page design is to add social proof images to your page. These are usually small images or logos—about the same size as your USP graphics—that lend credibility to your product or your company in some way.
If you’ve been featured in a magazine or on a website, for example, you can add their logo for a little extra social proof:
Even more effective is to feature a quote along with the logo, like Frank Body does here:
Purple Mattress follows the same formula:
Having a quote like this from a well-known media source is ideal. But if you don’t, you can always use quotes from current customers. The idea is to add more social proof to your product page.
Here are a few places you can look for quotes to turn into social proof images:
- Reviews or testimonials from current customers
- Celebrity endorsements (remember that a “celebrity” could be anyone who is well-known in your niche; this doesn’t have to be an international movie star)
- Certification logos (if you’re certified with the USDA, certified organic, certified with PETA, etc.)
- Quotes and/or logos from magazines or blogs
- Expert reviews or recommendations (such as “9 out of 10 dentists recommend it”)
In short, you’re basically looking for anything from a third-party source that gives your product greater credibility. Then throw those credibility-boosting images onto your ecommerce product page.
ACTION ITEM: Select social proof images.
Shorten the sales cycle, improve bottom line metrics
We sat down with expert Amanda Tallon, Account Strategist at growth marketing agency Shoelace, to uncover how to build a more profitable marketing funnel. Let’s dive in.
Companies that create an easy buying process are 62% more likely to win a high-quality sale. A solid sales and marketing funnel, targeted at the right buyer personas, can help find new customers, move them through the decision stage, and turn them into paying customers.
If you’ve been following along, you should have everything you need to finalize your high-converting ecommerce product page design. Just take the assets you created from each of the 10 steps and build them into a winning ecommerce product page. Going step by step will ensure you don’t forget any of these important conversion-boosting elements or ecommerce metrics. You can also download a sales funnel template to skip the building process.
Phase 1: Acquisition and awareness
The broadest part of the funnel represents anyone who hears about your product and business. This might be through your own marketing efforts, a recommendation from a friend, a roundup article on Google, or a social media post. These folks are aware your business exists and may or may not have a need for one or more of your products.
The strategy for each stage of your funnel depends on your target audience and AOV. But, there are a couple of activities that generally make sense for acquisition and awareness. Yes, you can run paid ads, but developing organic content and working with influencers for this stage in the funnel sets you up for longer term success.
Contributing to a blog on your site not only helps you get traffic via SEO, it further nurtures customers who want to learn more about your products, your business, or your industry in general.
A presence on social media does similar good. It allows prospects to learn more about your products, get a sense of your brand’s personality and voice, and engage with you by asking questions, posting comments, or sharing content with friends.
Sometimes you fail to get traffic. Sometimes you succeed with traffic but fail to get conversions. You have to put both of them together in order to grow and grow profitably.
Inviting someone to join your email list is another great way to engage with consumers and teach them more about your products. Many businesses offer a discount code to convince people to join; others simply promise compelling content. Whatever you decide, providing the option to subscribe gives you a way to stay in touch with someone, even if they haven’t made a purchase yet.
When you need to expand your reach further, try partnering with micro-influencers.
“What I really recommend to brands right now,” Amanda told us, “is to work with micro-influencers or use the audience that they already have built out, because it’s getting very expensive to acquire new audiences through paid search and social platforms.”
Micro-influencers have between 10,000 and 50,000 followers on social media. “If your brand is in line with that micro-influencer,” Amanda says, “chances are their followers are also going to be in line with your business.”
⚠️ Choose your acquisition tactics carefully
Though we’re talking about awareness and acquisition right now, the methods you use to drive traffic to your site should target prospects that will eventually convert. For example, you might drive a lot of traffic to your website via a podcast. But the listeners aren’t in your target audience, and while they’re curious about your product, they never actually convert.
Peepers, a brand that sells trendy eyeglasses, ran into a similar issue. The business, like many other ecommerce stores, is trying to diversify how it’s finding customers and getting traffic to its store. The team experimented with some nontraditional routes, and though they had great ads and strong content, they drove traffic—but not conversions.
As John Hart, Peepers’ VP of Operations & Ecommerce told us, “Sometimes you fail to get traffic. Sometimes you succeed with traffic but fail to get conversions. You have to put both of them together in order to grow and grow profitably.”
Phase 2: Consideration
Consideration is all about developing and nurturing the relationships you have with the people you acquired during the awareness phase. When a prospect reaches the consideration stage, they’ve identified a need for your product. They might need it to solve a problem, spark joy, or give as a gift. When someone reaches this stage, they’re aware of your business, what you do, and the types of products you sell. They might be on an email list or follow you on social media.
Amanda cites email marketing as the best tactic for prospects in the consideration stage of the marketing funnel. The benefit? These individuals have already bought into your brand at some level because they're on your email list.
“You can develop a strong personal story with email marketing,” says Amanda. “You can do quite a bit of brand building in someone's personal inbox.”⚠️ Don’t leave consideration out in the cold
It’s easy to ignore consideration and focus on the bookends of the funnel—awareness and conversion. Amanda warns that though some customers will convert right after you acquire them, oftentimes they need more pull to actually make a purchase.
Phase 3: Convert
This is the big moment—you’ve posted some great social media content, sent emails that were on point, maybe even worked with an influencer or two. Now, it’s time to drive home your product benefits, business ethos, and unique value props to get that prospect to make a purchase.
If you don't have a lot of money, run ads at the purchase stage to get the most revenue for your ad spend.
Two tactics are particularly effective at this stage:
💬 Customer conversations. A customer will likely reach out to you only when they’re actively looking to make a purchase. They’ll look to you to remove any obstacles in their path. Questions might include product clarifications (Can I see a photo of the earrings on?), shipping concerns (Will you ship to Canada from England?), or custom requests (Can you make this in blue?). Speaking directly to a customer builds trust, gives them a sense of who you are and what you’re like to work with, and can quell any remaining concerns they have.
📰 Paid ads. “You can run paid ads at any stage of your marketing funnel,” says Amanda. “But if you don't have a lot of money, run ads at the purchase stage to get the most revenue for your ad spend.” Paid ads can go farther at this stage in the funnel because prospects already know who you are, what you do, and the products you sell. Ads serve as reminders and should include copy that drives home the things that make your products and brand better than any of the other choices out there.
The inverted funnel: inspire loyalty and get customers to return
Enticing past customers to return is one of, if not the most, cost effective way to increase your average order value. “It can get really expensive for a business to acquire a new customer. The best case scenario is for a customer to return and make a second, third, fourth, etc., purchase and increase their lifetime value,” says Amanda.
The Peepers team thinks about driving repeat sales at every point in their business plan, starting with product development. The team creates products with great designs that set them apart from competitors, uses high quality materials, and sells items at a very competitive price point.
“The next step of that, and something that we’ve tried to be even more focused on,” John says, “is delivering the best possible customer experience.”
Aside from delivering top-notch customer service, here are three marketing activities we recommend for the loyalty section of the funnel.
Try out a direct-mail campaign. The Peepers team sends direct mail to drive more traffic to their website. There’s so much to experiment with here. Send a postcard with a unique coupon code, a fun branded sticker set, a handwritten note—sky's the limit.
Ask for user generated content. After a customer makes a purchase, Amanda recommends sending an email asking for a photo of their purchase and a review. After customers provide the content, you could send a discount code to use on their next purchase. This gives you new content for the awareness stage of the funnel, brings people back to the website, and prompts them to use their discount code.
Create a loyalty program. Another way to encourage repeat customers is through loyalty programs. Loyalty programs reward customers for making repeat purchases. Girlfriend Collective runs a loyalty program that offers perks based on the lifetime value of a customer. As a customer spends over time, they unlock benefits like free shipping and returns and early access to sales.
Tracking attribution through data and surveys
Now that you've completed your marketing funnel, the final step is to ensure that you know exactly where your traffic actually comes from. This tells you where to double down on efforts and where you can pull back.
Because analytics tools don’t take into consideration content that’s nurtured customers to the point of purchase, relying on them solely for attribution doesn’t provide the full picture. To solve for this gap, Amanda recommends setting up post-purchase surveys.
One client, she recalls, was ready to give up on TikTok as a marketing channel after both the platform and Google Analytics showed few conversions. But when they ran a post-purchase survey, TikTok was the third leading platform for new purchasers.
“We thought the average order value was significantly lower than other channels in the business in general, and it was the second highest,” Amanda says. “So after that, we doubled down on our TikTok ad spend and realized that it was opening up an entirely new market for us.”
If you run a post-purchase survey, include the question, “How did you find out about us?” Be sure to leave a comment box alongside an “Other” option so that respondents can provide an accurate response.
Unlock new opportunities with a sales and marketing funnel
For some, the journey to becoming a customer is short and direct. For others, it’s a meandering path that winds through many obstacles before they finally commit.
The sales and marketing funnel, while a clear framework for marketing activities, won’t be a true depiction of many customers’ journey. That’s to be expected: some customers will flow through acquisition, consideration, and conversion. Others will bounce back and forth before committing.
Ultimately, sales funnels help you clearly map your marketing efforts for any person, from raving fans to newcomers.
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